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Jacket Envelope of Colonel David Lang, 8th Florida Infantry
Florida Confederate Soldiers Bundle
For the first time anywhere, Civil War Florida is pleased to present online access to the entire set of Compiled Service Records for all of Florida’s Confederate soldiers. By purchasing a subscription to this Bundle, you’ll be granted access to the following NARA microfilm publications:
National Archives Microfilm Publication | Publication Title | # of Reels |
M225 | Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Florida. | 9 |
M251 | Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Florida. | 104 |
That’s 113 reels of microfilm — over 311,000 unique documents! The CSRs are arguably the single most important primary source available for anyone doing research on Florida’s Confederate soldiers. They are transcriptions of the original muster rolls and returns created during the Civil War, and contain some of the most detailed information available about individual Civil War soldiers. They may show enlistment dates and ranks, woundings, captures, imprisonments, hospitalizations, and more. Often, the CSR for an individual soldier also includes original Civil War documents such as pay vouchers, requisitions, discharge certificates, and paroles.
Subscription Pricing for the Florida Confederate Soldiers Bundle | |||||||||||
All pricing shown on this website is for individual, private use only. If you're a member of a university, library, archive, historical society or other organization, please contact us for pricing.

Federal Cavalry Enlistment, St. Augustine, FL
Florida Research Bundle
For the serious Florida researcher, Civil War Microfilm offers the Florida Research Bundle, which contains the Compiled Service Records of Florida’s Confederate AND Union soldiers, Florida Military Unit Compiled Service Records, and Presidential Pardon Applications from Floridians. This Bundle consists of the following NARA microfilm publications:
National Archives Microfilm Publication | Publication Title | # of Reels |
M225 | Index to Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Florida. | 9 |
M251 | Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Florida. | 104 |
M264 | Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Florida. | 1 |
M400 | Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Florida. | 11 |
M861 (partial) | Compiled Records Showing Service of Military Units in Confederate Organizations.
2 |
M1003 (partial) | Case Files of Applications From Former Confederates for Presidential Pardons ("Amnesty Papers") 1865-1867
1 |
In all, this Bundle contains 128 reels of microfilm and encompasses almost all of the Florida-related Civil War information that the National Archives’ microfilm publications have to offer.
Subscription Pricing for the Florida Research Bundle | |||||||||||
All pricing shown on this website is for individual, private use only. If you're a member of a university, library, archive, historical society or other organization, please contact us for pricing.